6주년 반반족발 Set (생막걸리) (Half half Jokbal Set)


Half half Jokbal set (6th year Anniversary Set) includes:

– 반반 족발 (Half half Jokbal – Original & Spicy)

-생막걸리 (Original Rice wine) – Can be changed to other drinks. Refer to the options below.

-해물파전 (Seafood Pancake)

-오뎅탕(Fishcake Soup)

-쌈세트 (Vege set)


Out of stock


반반 족발 (Half Jokbal & Half Spicy Jokbal) &  생막걸리 2병 (Draft Rice Wine)

해물파전 (Seafood pancake)  & 오뎅탕(Fish Cake Soup) , 쌈세트

주류는 선택 가능합니다.

Spicy and sweet pork trotter & Braised Pork trotter

& 2 Draft Rice Wine

& Seafood pancake

& Fish Cake Soup